Gynecomastia Gallery
Our patient presented with male breast tissue overgrowth. As an avid body builder, he struggled with this part of his body. He underwent combination of VASER-assisted liposuction and subcutaneous mastectomy to achieve this amazing result. He feels more confident now. His results match his body type and he is extremely happy!
This weight loss patient underwent chest wall surgery and arm lift or brachioplasty.
45-54 year old man treated with Gynecomastia Surgery through Vaser-assisted liposuction.
17 or under year old Man treated with Gynecomastia Surgery This young patient was always self conscious about his unusual appearance to his chest and breast. He underwent VASER liposuction with subcutaneous mastectomy. Now he is more confident and self assured after his gynecomastia surgery.
18-24 year old man treated with Gynecomastia Surgery This patient has herniating breast tissue immediately under the nipple areolar complex. This was corrected with subcutaneous mastectomy leaving a well-healed scar in the lower portion of the nipple. Now he no longer has a protruding nipple.
25-34 year old man treated with Male Breast Reduction This body builder was not happy with his grade I gynecomastia. He underwent breast reduction in the office with local anesthesia only. The well-placed infra-areolar scars are no longer visible.
55-64 year old man treated with Male Breast Reduction This older patient has breasts that look like female breasts and this has bothered him all his life. He underwent VASER assisted liposuction of the breast tissue. There is marked improvement in his chest wall anatomy.
25-34 year old man treated with Male Breast Reduction Patient with previous gynecomastia surgery. He underwent revision breast reduction and areolar reduction with small well-placed incisions at the nipple areolar junction. These incisions heal nicely and are barely visible even close up as shown.