
As popular as weight loss injectables have become, most of them are not intended to directly target specific areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Enter Kybella, a highly innovative, FDA-approved injectable treatment that has already helped thousands of patients permanently eliminate fat under the chin.

At South Shore Plastic Surgery, we provide patient-centered Kybella treatment plans to help patients resolve the “double chin” issue, which tends to stubbornly stick around even as the rest of the body loses weight.

But how exactly does Kybella work? Is it safe for everyone? How many treatments are needed? In this comprehensive overview of Kybella, we’ll cover all of these important points and more so that you can make an informed decision on treatment.

How Kybella Works

Simply put, Kybella contains a compound that destroys fat cells.

The compound is called deoxycholic acid, which is already produced by the body to break down the fat molecules in food. When injected into subcutaneous fat, deoxycholic acid exerts its “cytolytic,” or cell-killing, effects on the fat cells that cause the “double chin” appearance.

Without diving too deep into the biochemistry, the basic mechanism by which deoxycholic acid kills fat cells involves solubilizing the cell membranes that surround them, resulting in spontaneous death of the targeted fat cell(s). This essentially liquifies the protective membrane that surrounds each fat cell, promptly killing the cell.

After their untimely deaths, the fat cells can no longer store fat, but this doesn’t mean that it is impossible to regain fat in this area of the body—more on that below. It takes most people between 4 to 6 weeks to see results from this treatment as the body gradually eliminates and metabolizes the targeted fat cells.

It’s also important to note that Kybella uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that is not derived from animals. Thanks to the body’s familiarity with deoxycholic acid, the treatment is widely well-tolerated.

Benefits of Kybella Injections

Thanks to its minimally invasive nature and raw effectiveness, Kybella injections accommodate a wide range of patient populations suffering from submental fat (double chin).

Key benefits of Kybella injections include, but are not limited to:

Eliminating or Significantly Reducing Double Chin: The key differentiator with Kybella is its ability to target a specific area, like liposuction, with a minimally invasive approach. Eliminating submental fat often creates a dramatic effect on overall facial aesthetics, encouraging a much more youthful and healthy appearance.

Quick, Comfortable, and Convenient Treatments: Kybella injections typically take just 15-20 minutes to administer, and are not painful. Some patients report a warming sensation during treatment. Topical numbing agents can be applied if needed (including ice afterwards) to minimize any slight discomfort.

Virtually Zero Downtime: There’s no need to take multiple days off of work or postpone any upcoming trips with Kybella. In fact, you can walk straight out of treatment and resume your regular activities without worrying about extra rest time, changing out dressings, and so on. The majority of patients manage any minor swelling that occurs with a compression garment (sometimes called a “jaw bra”) and ice compresses.

Potentially Permanent Results: As mentioned, once the deoxycholic acid kills a fat cell, that’s it for that fat cell. In this sense, the results of Kybella injections are fully permanent. However, this doesn’t eliminate the possibility of new fat cells developing in the area, whether they are caused by genetics, lifestyle, or other factors. For this reason, it’s important for patients to closely regulate their diet and other weight-loss-related practices if they want to preserve results.

Very Low Risk of Infection and Other Issues: Where some injectables have a tendency to be rejected by the body, which is accompanied by a variety of potentially harmful side effects (not to mention reduced effectiveness), deoxycholic acid is much less likely to run into this issue since it is already produced by the body.

Overall, Kybella offers powerful, promising results with very little discomfort, downtime, or severe complications to worry about. This is why so many are flocking to the treatment to eliminate stubborn submental fat.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

The exact number of Kybella treatments that a person needs to see optimal results varies on a case-by-case basis. That said, the majority of people find a total of 3-6 treatments to be the most effective.

To be clear, each treatment session consists of multiple injections. Some people may receive as many as 40 or 50 injections per treatment, depending on the amount, location, and distribution of fact along the chin, upper neck, and jawline.

Successive treatments are usually spaced at least 4-5 weeks apart. Given the time it takes for the initial treatment to show results, it’s not uncommon for patients to not see significant results until after their second session. This is normal – results will continue to progress from this point until after your last session.

Typically, full results come in roughly 2 months after your final treatment with Kybella. As mentioned, this injectable produces long-lasting results, but if new fat cells repopulate the area at a later time, you can still come in for Kybella treatments. It’s important to address any underlying issues causing weight gain as much as possible to minimize the need for touch-ups after your initial treatment run.

Experience Natural-Looking, Transformative Results with Kybella by South Shore Plastic Surgery

At South Shore Plastic Surgery, we’re here to help you restore your confidence with a patient-centered Kybella treatment plan.

Led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Vasisht, MD, FACS, our friendly and knowledgeable team will ensure you have everything you need to confidently and capably undergo treatment, including all aftercare guidelines to preserve your results as long as possible.

There’s no need to continue hiding your face or stressing in front of the mirror. With Kybella by South Shore Plastic Surgery, you can move on to a more rewarding and confident chapter of your life. Contact us for a consultation today, and we’ll be happy to assist you.