What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Brazilian butt lifts have been around for nearly 20 years, but have steadily gained popularity over the past decade. In fact, the number of Brazilian butt lifts performed per year has grown consistently by about 30 percent each year since 2013. Still, buttock augmentation and lifts make up a very small percentage of the total plastic surgeries performed in the U.S. each year. Of the nearly 2 million total procedures, buttock enhancements account for only about 27,000, and this statistic includes both implants and fat grafting (which is the technique used in Brazilian butt lifts).
A Brazilian butt lift is done using autologous fat transfer, a technique that utilizes fat cells from your own body to augment your behind. Dr. Vasisht prefers using the Brazilian butt lift for augmentation over using buttock implants, because he feels that it is a safer procedure that provides superior results. Not only will a Brazilian butt lift give you a fuller, more contoured rear end, but it will look and feel more natural, offering more lasting results with less chance of complications or side effects. An added bonus is that the fat used in the procedure is usually harvested from your abdomen, waist, or flanks, so the resulting slimmer contour further accentuates the buttock enhancement.
What Happens During Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?
The first step of the procedure is the collection of fat cells to be used in your Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Vasisht uses suction-assisted liposuction to harvest the fat cells, starting by contouring your buttocks, and moving on to the other areas targeted for fat extraction. To do this, he uses a device called LipiVage, which collects, washes and preps the fat cells for injection all in one machine. Only the most viable cells are reinjected, which in most cases is only about 25 percent of the fat that is extracted.
Once the viable fat cells are processed, Dr. Vasisht transfers them into your buttocks using a series of small injections at varying depths just under the surface of the skin. Each injection is strategically placed, not only for optimal results, but because it is extremely important to avoid injecting the fat into blood vessels or muscles. Incorrect placement of the injections can cause serious complications, so it is vital that you choose an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Vasisht who is trained and skilled in this specific technique, and committed to ensuring that your procedure is safe and successful.
If you have been thinking about how to improve the size and shape of your butt, or want to address other issues such as asymmetry, proportion, or sagging, a Brazilian butt lift may be the boost you need. Call South Shore Plastic Surgery today at 856-784-2639 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Vasisht, and learn more about how we can help you achieve the booty of your dreams.